In Love with Earth


As most of you know, I am in love with Earth and all her beings. As most of you can imagine, I am delighted that MBMS is dedicating the month of April to celebrating and honoring her. I am particularly inspired by this dedication as, I believe Earth is asking, in a very strong way, for our attention and care. I know that many of you share this love of Earth and are both deeply grateful for her many gifts and also deeply troubled by what is happening to her as her balance and systems are disrupted.

Two rather poignant events in my life are called to mind as I feel the depth of my relationship with Earth. In 2012, my husband was diagnosed with cancer. When, a couple months later, I sensed that his time to be alive was short, I made a silent heart-commitment to show-up, be present, be attentive, be kind -- to appreciate, celebrate, and care for him -- as best as I could for the remainder of his days. I kept this commitment and, when he died a couple of months later, I felt peace in knowing that I was fully with him, rather than lost in my own denial or fears, during the remaining time that we had together.

Fast forward to a couple years ago, when Katie and I were sitting together enjoying a beautiful view of Monterey Bay. I felt a soft sadness in my heart and I said to Katie, “I think Earth as-we-know-it is dying;”  I then told her about the commitment I had made to my husband in his last months and said I was making the same commitment to Earth. Soon after that conversation, I began to consciously deepen my relationship with Earth through intentional learning, service, and creation of offerings focused on inspiring others to cultivate profound relationship with the planet we call Home.

This dedication has only increased its depth and strength during the circumstances of the past year. These actions are sourced in love (rather than fear), as well as in gratitude and awe of the mystery, generosity, and beauty of this wondrous living system. During this time, I also honor my grief about her suffering and loss as it arises, which deepens my gratitude, compassion, and commitment to being present and of service.

Whatever the eventual outcome is, I will know that I was fully present and engaged, doing whatever I could, wherever I could, in the time that I had, to be in deep service and relationship with her and all her beings. Somehow, this knowing energizes me -- sensing belonging and embodying reciprocity, as I recognize and remember that we are kin. 

Katie and Jenn share this same reverence and love of Earth. We invite you to join us in celebration and service of her throughout April… and beyond. May we all make the best of whatever time and opportunities we have to honor, celebrate, serve, and be in conscious relationship with her, with recognition that she is part of us and we are part of her. We all have the opportunity to help heal and to plant seeds of caring relationship into the field that is emerging.

We invite you to check out the opportunities of celebration and hope that are being offered through MBMS in the coming weeks. We also invite (double-dog dare?) you to take off your shoes, step outside, and wiggle your toes in the dirt as you feel fully supported by the third-rock-from-the-sun.

With humility, hope, and a smile,
