Mindful Moment: 3 Conscious Breaths


This is a practice-- even though it takes just a few seconds. Feel your breath as it comes in. Where do you feel it? Feel the breath as it goes out. After taking three breaths with full awareness, do you feel any differently? How so?

Like the photo says, you can make this a practice as you wake up and as you go to sleep. But it also is wonderful at any time of the day: when you're transitioning from one happening to another, when you're feeling upset or overwhelmed, when you're taking a break and enjoying the view... 

When do you breathe with mindful awareness? Comment and let us know!

"Mindful Moments" is a series that Marianne & Katie developed as "micro-practices" with the intention of offering inspirations to pause, notice, connect, and reflect in the course of daily life. These are suggestions of ways to fold more moments of mindfulness into your day to cultivate "Being Aware & Being Kind."

If you'd like to have these in physical form, we've also made these photos into a desk set-- a deck of 31 cards, in a little bag along with an easel. You can take a look here.

mindful moments deck.jpg