Realizing and Fully Embodying Aliveness


As we emerge from significant, necessary physical limitations in service of maintaining our own and public wellness, we find ourselves breathing a little easier as we connect with the emergence of Spring and in-person reunions with family and friends.

While feeling especially grateful this year for these experiences of revitalization, I find myself in awe-filled contemplation of the miracle of being alive.

Taking a walk outdoors, I notice that when I'm paying attention (and not lost in the thought field of my to-do list), there is aliveness everywhere -- in the songs of the trees, the blue of the sky, the smell of good soil, the taste of salt from the ocean, and the brush of the wind in my hair.

I remember that I'm walking around in miracles... there's no way anyone could make this stuff up. Not in our wildest dreams could we create a system of beauty, balance and fecundity such as Earth. It's just here as a living and evolving result of 13.8 billion years, and I and you and all beings are part of it. This realization is its own wonder-filled reunion -- a remembering that takes my breath away, and I smile.

And, with an exhalation that becomes a sigh, I feel the other-side-of-the-coin of loving -- grieving -- as I also realize that so much of this miracle has died or is dying. I am not only witnessing, but am feeling the impact of the systemic relationship crisis known as climate change. I realize that I am far from alone in this experiencing; every living being -- plant, animal, element -- whether seen or unseen, is feeling and dealing with the impact of this global shift. This realization catalyzes a different kind of awe -- a recognizing that takes my breath away, and I cry.

Then, a different embodiment of Aliveness arises in me -- a dedication and commitment to do whatever I can, from the place that I am, in the time that I have, to meet and respond with the fullness of my being to be in service of Earth and all her beings. I am hearing the call and am answering it ... and Monterey Bay Meditation Studio is answering it as well.

During the month of June, you'll find a number of opportunities to step into the field of mindful engagement, compassionate response, and spiritual activism. I particularly invite you to check out the workshop by guest teacher, Shadi Mogadime -- "Being a Buddha and a Badass." Participating in this, and all our offerings, is a way of being in service to yourself, each other, our community, and the world.

Here's the cool thing about interbeing (in which everything is connected to everything): when we cultivate awareness, kindness and skillful action in any of these fields, for any of us, all are served and receive benefit.

We invite you to join us in realizing and fully embodying Aliveness as we stand (and sit and act and be) together in love, reciprocity, respect and service of fully living and living fully. To quote Mary Oliver, "Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"

Taking a breath,

PS: Right after writing this, I went for my morning walk on Asilomar Beach. There, I stood in the fog and witnessed, for about 10 minutes, a coyote barking and howling on a dune overlooking the sea... Yeah, sometimes sensing Aliveness is just like that. Funny thing: I kept shifting between sensing myself as the witness, as the coyote, and as the whole scene... whoa! 3-dimensional Aliveness!